Sunday, July 12, 2009

Poop Bag Dispenser

We have two dogs with questionable lineage. Amos and Sadie are our constant source of entertainment and, sometimes, frustration. One day last week, I had a sweater on the blocking board safely (I thought) placed on the dining room table. My husband and I went to a baseball game. When we arrived home after the game and walked throught the back door into the dining room, the blocking board and towels were still there, but no sweater. We found my sweater balled up on the floor covered with dog hair. I know it is circumstantial evidence, but I figure Amos jumped up on the table and got the sweater down, then Sadie rolled in it. They both like wet towels and I guess they couldn't resist the dampness and the slight wet wool smell of the sweater. Lucky for Amos and Sadie, I was able to salvage the sweater.

Amos and Sadie also like to take walks. All we have to do is jangle the leashes and they start prancing and barking at the back door. We are responsible dog owners and always take a bag with us to pick up the messes they leave around the town.

One day my husband asked me if I could come up with something to store the plastic bags we collect from various stores. At that point, the bags were stuffed into another bag and hanging from a hook.

Voila! Poop Bag Dispenser! And a way to use up worsted weight yarn.

These are very easy to make. First work a round of single crochet around a pony tail holder, then continue around in your chosen pattern. End with a round of single crochet around another pony tail holder, adding a chain loop to the round. Finish as desired. Easy Peasy!