Monday, March 15, 2010

It Doesn't Fit!

Queen Anne’s Lace Blouse, designed by Monica Welle Brown,

Interweave Crochet, Summer 2008.

KnitPicks Stroll Cocoa and Buckskin

Why doesn’t it fit?

I’ll tell you why. It is not the fault of the magazine or the designer. My crochet is to gauge. The yarn is wonderful to work with. The fault is all mine. Me. I didn’t measure me before starting. How in the world did I manage to gain so much weight in so short a time? I’m sure it has nothing to do with my eat-fast-because-I don’t-have-time-to-cook-anything-healthy diet.

I have two options with this top. Option 1: Rip it out, wash the yarn, and make it over in a bigger size. Option 2: Lose fifteen pounds. Hmmm. I’ll think about Option 1 while I work on Option 2.

It time to stock up on items for the local arts and craft sale this summer. My sister-in-law gave me several balls of bedspread cotton. There isn’t enough of one color to make a doily; I’ll make coasters for the sale.

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