Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 11 Challenge

#56 Snapdragon Stitch from 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine To Make An Heirloom Afghan, Leisure Arts.

I seem to have lost a week. Does anyone know where I put it? I could have sworn I blogged last week.

I like to walk, work, and craft while listening to podcasts and audio books. Those darn ear phone lines kept getting in my way, sometimes unplugging the earphones causing my iPod to drop to the ground. Thus came the iPod lanyard. I can wrap up the excess lines around the iPod and shove it all in the lanyard case.

The iPod lanyard is very easy to make. Make a chain slightly smaller than the width of the iPod. Do not join, but continue to work in the stitch of choice until the length desired. I added a flap by working half of the last row and turning. Decrease on each side of the flap until you have the width and length of flap desired. Slip stitch down the side of the flap. Work a foundation double crochet chain until you have the length desired. Fasten off, leaving yarn long enough to attach a lobster claw. It's done!

I have several podcasts I like to hear on a regular basis. Right now (and I mean this very minute) I am listening to the Classic Tales Podcast. B.J. Harrison reads short stories and novels, releasing a free podcast every Friday. Currently he is reading The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. Even though I have read this novel before, I find myself deeply engrossed in the reading. A couple of weeks ago, the episode left off at a point where I almost got upset. "NO! Don't leave me here for a week! I need to know what happens! Wait. I've read this before. I know what happens."

Have a good week!

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