Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 56 Challenge

#12 Open Ridge Stitch
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

I'm not too sure how I feel about this one. How would I use it?

Projects in Progress
99 Snowflakes
Leisure Arts
More snowflakes.

I really need to get started on something new for Etsy.

What I am Reading
Lord of the Flies is finished. This week's quote is at the end of the book when the boys are rescued. "Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart..." It makes you wonder. Would all this have happened if adults had been stranded? Maybe it would. If you like a book without happy endings, this one is for you.

I've started the final Harry Potter book. More on that next week.

Other Stuff
There isn't much to report this week. Most of the evenings were spent hiding in the basement and praying no tornadoes came our way. We were lucky--many were not.

Today is also Memorial Day Weekend, a time to remember all who have given their lives in the service of our country. I personally, have not been effected by war, but I know many have lost husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and good friends. Blessings to them and their families.

Have a good week!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 55 Challenge

#30 Eyelet Lace
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

I call this a shell stitch. A very easy stitch for just about everything.

This is the last 9 weeks for the challenge. Eight more blocks and the edging. The downside of the as-you-go attaching of the blocks is that I don't get the chance to block the square before attaching. Well, I guess I could block then crochet the attach row. Next time.

Projects in Progress
99 Snowflakes
Leisure Arts

Must make snowflakes...
Must make snowflakes...
We are the Borg...
Resistance is futile...
Must make snowflakes...

What I am Reading
Lord of the Flies. by William Golding so far is an interesting study on human nature set on an island and the survivors are very young to adolescent boys. There are those who are interested in playing and those who are interested in rescue, which results in a power struggle. There are still a few more chapters to read and struggle has hit a turning point. I'll have more next week.

This week's quote from Lord of the Flies is from third chapter: "He wanted to explain how people were never quite what you thought they were".

Other Stuff
This has been a busy time. The grandson has been spending a lot of time at our house every weekend after his Little League games. He likes the trail that goes past our house and the fact that he can ride a bike without worrying about getting run over by a car; he likes Truvy and she likes him (Truvy likes children and old people. She turns into a completely different dog--still sweet, but less rambunctious.); and I think he just likes hanging out with us old folks especially when a trip to Dairy Queen is involved.

Have a good week!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 54 Challenge

#29 Alternate Spike Single Crochet
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

The spike stitch is probably the most versatile stitch I can think of. Use a cotton yarn and you have a dishcloth; use a double thickness and you have a hot pad or potholder; use something lightweight and soft and you have an elegant, yet warm, scarf.

Next week starts the last nine-block column, then the edging. What shall I do next? I have a couple of ideas. One is to go back to something I did in earlier blogs and create something that ties in with a book I am reading. Another is to pick a book or magazine and work through every pattern. I've been scouring the used book stores and antique book stores, but nothing has jumped out at me yet. I've still got a few more weeks before I decide. In the meantime, suggestions are always welcomed.

Projects in Progress
99 Snowflakes
Leisure Arts

I am getting a little tired of snowflakes. But I must push on. Knowing me as well as I do, I'm afraid that if I start another project--just to break up the monotony of snowflakes--I won't get back to the snowflakes until the week before gift giving time. So I'll continue (sigh!).

A little hint for snowflake starching: Fabric stiffener works fine, but for the larger snowflakes, I've used my doily starching methods--soak the fabric in a heavy starch and water mixture, then stretch out, pin, and let dry. It may take a little longer, but the process is worth it--you won't have limpy snowflakes.

For grins, I dumped all the completed chemo caps out on the dining room table. How many are there? I don't know. What's the goal? I don't know.

Working on chemo caps is a great stress reliever. There is no difficult stitch pattern to memorize, only the increases. I'll work on chemo caps when I get a lunch break and then I'm ready to tackle the afternoon's work head on. When I get home, I'll work on a chemo cap until I can relax. Once I relax and get in a rhythm, I can go to work on something a little more difficult--like snowflakes.

What I am Reading
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is finished. I think I am one of the very few people who cried over Dumbledore's funeral.

Next up is Lord of The Flies, by William Golding. I read this before in high school, so reading it as an adult should be interesting. As as adult, I am sure I'll have a very different perspective than I did as a teenager.

Other Stuff
I've given in to the allergy season and have decided to just put up with the itchy eyes and stuffy head. This is a picture of the start of my outdoor oasis. The glider sets in the shade of our Bradley Pear tree. I still need to do a little bit of leveling, but I'm liking it. We'll see how far I get this summer with adding more of the things I like.

That's all for now. Have a good week!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 53 Challenge

#58 Soft Clusters
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

Between the really soft yarn and the stitch pattern--I really like this one!

Projects in Progress
99 Snowflakes
Leisure Arts

I haven't had a chance to work on much more than the challenge, snowflakes, and chemo caps. Snowflakes are easy to crochet--but a bear to starch!! Just warning ya!

What I am Reading

I did find a quote this week from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Dumbledore to Harry:

"Ah, Harry, how often this happens, even between the best of friends! Each of us believes that what he has to say is much more important than anything the other might have to contribute!"

Other Stuff

This week's post is short for a reason. It's Mothers' Day. I've spent the better part of today with my daughters and grandchildren and it has been a wonderful day. The weather even cooperated, which was doubtful during last night's thunderstorms and tornadoes.

Happy Mother's Day and have a good week.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 52 Challenge

#57 Alternate Mesh Stitch
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

An OK block. I love filet crochet and this is somewhat similar. I can't believe this challenge is almost done! What should I do next as a challenge? Suggestions anyone?

Projects in Progress
Dazzling Details Jacket
Designed by Garnstudio/Drops
Crochet! Magazine, September 2009
Yarn: Baby Bee Sweet Delight, Grape Jelly

I gotta say, I love this jacket! It's just too bad that the weather is finally warming up and the jacket will need to be put in storage with my other sweaters.

99 Snowflakes
Leisure Arts

Every year after our Thanksgiving Brunch, all our guests get handmade Christmas ornaments. Last year I gave everyone a set of crochet clothespin angels. This year I am giving snowflake ornaments. No, I don't plan to make all 99 snowflakes!

What I am Reading
After reading Beloved, I need something a little lighter. So, instead of diving into another literary classic, I am reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. I don't have any soul-searching quotes this week; just reading for fun.

Other Stuff
There isn't much else going on in my world. The pollen counts are very high and keeping me indoors. I hate that, because I am a big outdoors person. My garden is calling me! Looks like it is time to get a mask I can wear when working outside.

On another note, my work area is a mess. I have so many projects going right now that it is time to stop starting new projects and get the old ones completed. I, at least, have good intentions.

Please visit my shop on Etsy.

Have a good week!