Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good New, Bad News

Mississippi River
Taken from Mill City
Minneapolis, MN

My last post I was waiting for the results of the second biopsy, the results of which leads to good news and bad news.

Bad news first; I have ductal carcinoma in situ in the right breast. The cancer is in two places and I will need a mastectomy.

The good news; the cancer is non-invasive and I shouldn't need radiation or chemo therapy.

The surgery is scheduled for September 27. I wish it were sooner. It's not that I am impatient--I just want this out of me!

I've put aside the lace top for now. It's to the point of shoulder shaping and for some reason I just can't seem to focus enough to do the math. The top can wait.

Instead I've started this lacy shawl. The pattern and yarn are from the Knit and Crochet show in Minneapolis. I love the silk yarn. My only dilemma is that I am afraid that I will run out of yarn. I bought this yarn because it was used for the pattern and the sample at the booth. I did a search on the designer to see if I could contact her, but no luck. There are a few more rows to go before the edging. Here's hoping that I can finish the shawl itself with the yarn. We have several yarn shops around here. Maybe one of them will have a silk DK weight yarn in a matching color for the edging.

What I am Reading
Life among the Lutherans is finished. This was a fun book to read; however, I didn't care much for one of the stories, "Ninety-five Theses". I know this book is about growing up Lutheran in Minnesota, but as a parent this was just not funny. It's not easy being a parent and children don't come with manuals! My favorite is still "Church Organist."

My husband found a used book store close to us and yesterday we paid a visit. It was like a treasure hunt! I found a 1956 Pocketbook edition of Ivanhoe. That copy of the book is almost as old as me, and yes I had to get it.

Right now I am reading The Third Life of Granger Copeland, by Alice Walker. I've only read the first chapter, so there is not much to report.

Other Stuff
Tomorrow is my birthday and I plan to enjoy this time as much as possible. Today I had lunch with my husband and daughter (I can't believe she is going to be twenty-nine in a few weeks). We had a wonderful visit and shared a peach cobbler for dessert. Tomorrow night after work, I'll have dinner with my husband and in-laws.

Have a good week!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Journey Begins

The test results are in. I have breast cancer; therefore, my journey begins. I would like to use this blog now for a couple of reasons. One, to keep family and friends updated and hopefully get those who have put off their mammogram to get one; and two, as therapy. I'll try to continue with crochet and knitting updates as I can.

My journey began August 23 with a screening mammogram. Nothing was said, but I was a little suspicious when the tech kept covering the images so I wouldn't see. I didn't think too much about that because I do have a tendency to get cysts. A few days later I received a phone call asking me to go to the Breast Center at the hospital for more thorough testing with a doctor.

August 30 found me at the Breast Center, an hour later I was told that I needed a biopsy. Still, I didn't worry too much. Biopsies have been talked about before for the cysts, but the cysts always went away. This time there was something different--calcifications. The doctor said that 80% of the time, it's nothing to worry about. And I have talked to other women who had biopsies for calcifications and they are fine.

I had the biopsy on Friday, September 2, right before a holiday. The wait was horrible. The news came September 7. That afternoon I met with a doctor, who found another mass, and I had another biopsy that day. I will definitely need surgery. This last biopsy will give us more information for a battle plan. Of course, I haven't received the results and have had to wait the weekend--again.

When I got the information that I have cancer, I didn't know if I wanted to cry or throw-up--I did both, then called my husband and took a walk around the parking lot. Once I got control of myself, I told my boss. She is being very supportive and so are my co-workers. I am ready to fight this. I do have meltdowns, but my wonderful husband has been so helpful. He has taken on the responsibility of keeping my attitude in check--he won't allow me to give up, but does allow me to cry. His boss is also supportive (we work at the same place, just different departments). We have both been told to do what is needed and not worry about time off, paycheck, etc.

Needless to say, I haven't spent much time working on anything. No progress has been made on the lace top. I do, however, have an order for potholders that I have been working on. Potholders don't require much thought, so has been perfect.

I did go through my stash, matched yarn with patterns, and put projects with hooks and needles in separate bags. Whatever I need to work on, I should be able to find it. I came up with 2 pairs of socks, 3 shawls, a necklace, a hooded scarf with mitts, placemats, potholders, coasters, can cozies, the lace top, and the sock blankie started a long time ago. That should keep me busy.

What I Am Reading
I'm still reading Life among the Lutherans, by Garrison Keillor. This is the perfect book for me to read right now. He has one story about an organist, "Scripture says, 'Be still and know that I am God.' This is not the organist's philosophy. Organists despise stillness. They're sitting there with the organ equivalent of a 300 hp Ferrari and they want to put the pedal to the metal and make that baby fly". I love that! I reminds me of an organist we had many years ago. Every Sunday morning, as people would quietly meditate before the start of the service, the organ would bellow and every single person in the church jumped.

I am looking for some good books to ready over the next several months. The books need to be upbeat, happy, and no sad endings. Any suggestions?

Other Stuff
The section is going on a hiatus as "My Journey" will take over this part.

I've been asked if there is anything anyone can do for me. I always reply "prayers and hugs". I've been getting a lot of hugs and hopefully a lot of prayers.

This is September 11, Remembrance Day for those who lost their lives to terrorists' actions at the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. We will always remember...

Have a good week!

Monday, September 5, 2011


This week saw rounds two, three, and four of testing--this time at the hospital. Hopefully that will be the end of it.

With that being said, I didn't get a whole lot accomplished over the last week.

Above is a progress report on the lace top I'm making. So far it's going as planned. Please keep in mind that the top is made from size 10 crochet thread and will look a lot nicer once the top is blocked. I decided to crochet this in the round (saving seaming). Right now, I'm on the way up the back.

What I Am Reading
I did finish Amy Tan's, Saving Fish from Drowning. This was a excellent study on human behavior and what I believe is a slightly exaggerated version of the American tourist. Of course, I have never been an American tourist is a country strange to me, so I can't say for sure if Tan is exaggerating to make for a good story. I do recommend Saving Fish from Drowning. I would be curious to see how other people feel.

Next up is a book I picked up while in Minneapolis, Life among the Lutherans, by Minnesota native Garrison Keillor. I listen the Keillor's podcast, Writer's Almanac, and my husband and his family love A Prairie Home Companion. I thoroughly enjoy both. I've only read the first two stories and they have managed to bring a chuckle--something I desperately need right now.

Other Stuff
Today is Labor Day, an American holiday that "is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country". Taken from the U.S. Department of Labor website. Check it out for more details on the holiday.

All my poop bag dispensers are up at DinaMarie's Crochet. Potholders should be up by the end of the week. Stop by. Window shoppers are always welcome.

Have a good week!