Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there--God bless you all!  My mother passed away a few years ago and I still miss her.  Below is a repost of a story I wrote before she had passed away.

My Mother's Hands
I remember as a child watching my mother crochet. The slim silver hook darted in and out of the thread 
stitches, like a humming bird retrieving the nectar from a flower. I could watch her for hours creating beautiful doilies, afghans, and clothes for my dolls. Just like a bedtime story, I would lean on her left shoulder and eventually fall asleep.

When Mother felt I was ready, I was ten years old, she put a hook and yarn in my hands. There was no stopping me. I made my own doll clothes, scarves, and ponchos. I branched out to knitting, embroidery, macram̩, and various types of lace making. Everyone I knew Рfamily and friends Рall had something I made just for them.

I grew up and made baby sweaters and blankets for my own babies. Mother beamed and bragged with each one of my creations. That was when I noticed she had stopped crocheting, but with two children of my own and a full time job, I never questioned why she had stopped.

One day, Mother said she wanted to crochet. We went to the store, bought plenty of yarn in her favorite color of purple, found an easy afghan pattern, and dug out a hook from my stash.

My heart broke when she held the hook in one hand, the yarn in the other, and gave me a helpless look. She could not remember what to do! She could not make sense of the pattern. We spent an afternoon learning how to crochet. The next day she once again forgot what to do. We decided that her arthritic hands could not hold a hook anymore. I took everything home with me, ripped out all she had done, and made the afghan for her.

Mother still has that afghan. It rests at the end of her bed at the nursing home. Mother would look at it and admire the handiwork of the person who made it.

Now, Mother does not notice much of anything. You see, she has Alzheimer’s disease. She spends her days and nights sleeping or staring at nothing in particular. Her hands set on her lap, occasionally moving. I like to think she is crocheting.

During my last visit with her, I looked at her gnarled and arthritic hands, remembering those days of watching her crochet. Then I looked at my hands and at my daughters’ hands. Three sets of hands that continue the legacy of my mother’s hands.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'm Still Here

This whole energy level thing is getting frustrating.  Today is a good day, so here's what I've been doing.

Not a whole lot.  The picture is of some things I've been making for the craft fair season. There are can cozies, market bag, iphone holders, beaded necklaces, and a market bag.  How do I know what to make and what people will buy?  With that in mind, I've just been making a little of everything; later I'll focus on making more of what sells.

Last week was our local Race for the Cure.  It was cold, but I made it (no racing, just walking).  It was exhausting both physically and emotionally.  During the Survivors Parade, I cried.  When I looked around, my sister-newbies (1-year survivors) were also crying.  It was an experience I'll never forget--all those people cheering for us...I can't wait until next year.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is it Spring Yet?

My energy level has been really low lately. I haven't done much in the way of stitching this past month. Here's hoping that Spring will be here soon and so will my energy.

Here is what I did get done this past month:

These are my first two blocks from Craftsy's Quilt Block of the Month. These were easy to do. I don't know if I have enough patience to wait a whole year for a quilt.

The block on the left is called "Asterisk" and the block on the right is "Wonky Pound Sign". Matching colors is not my strong-point, but I'm am liking the black and white theme in these blocks.

In January, I purchased "Calendar of Hope 2012". This calendar has a different dishcloth each month. The proceeds from this calendar goes to whose goal is to find the cause of breast cancer.

January, Lattice Patchwork, designed by Rachel van Schie

February, Heart, designed by Debbie Tilley

On a sad note, my niece-in-law lost her nine-year battle with breast cancer two weeks ago. During my own run-in with breast cancer, I had hoped to have half her courage. She never gave up. She was my inspiration--my hero. She will be missed by all her family and friends, especially her two young daughters and her wonderful husband.

That's about all for this month. Since my energy level is so low, I will try to post at least once a month.

Have a good week/month!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Back!

Yes, I am back. Sorry about being away for so long. I'll talk more about that later.

I did get a lot of knitting and crocheting done, but I'll just cover my latest accomplishment.

Lace Canopy Cardi Wrap
Designed by Simona Merchant-Dest
Interweave Crochet, Fall 2011
KnitPicks CotLin, linen

This was made from a heavier yarn that called for, but I like the results. All that was necessary was a swatch, a calculator, and the discovery that all needed was to follow the directions for one size smaller.

Blocking this was a bit of a challenge. For future references, or if you plan to make this, block the back piece first, add the fronts, block those, then sew the sleeve seams. I could have saved myself a lot of head scratching if I had done that rather than wait until the entire piece was finished and then blocking.

This year I wanted to learn something new, so I signed up at This is a wonderful website for inexpensive online classes and workshops. I've already done a couple and have started one for quilting--something I have always wanted to do, but never had the time. Well, this year I am going to make the time.

Right now I'm working on a contract so I can't share. However, I can tell you that it's made with lace yarn and I need a lot of "eye breaks", so I've also started working on items for the Fall craft shows.

What I am Reading
This part is going away as I now have GoodReads on the sidebar. You can see what I've been reading and my quick reviews.

Other Stuff
I am now cancer free! WooHoo! My mastectomy was the end of September and the pathology reports showed that all the cancer was gone with the surgery. No chemo---no radiation! The benefit of early detection. After what I felt was too long a recovery, I am ready for whatever else God may throw my way.

Nothing brings someone to their knees faster than "You have cancer". I prayed...a lot...still do. When people asked what they could do for me I just asked for prayers and hugs. I have always believed in the power of prayer and these past few months prove that power. I am truly blessed for everyone's support, prayers, and generosity.

Now I am ready to move forward.

There are still a few things in my etsy shop. Stop by and visit.

Have a good week!