Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Back!

Yes, I am back. Sorry about being away for so long. I'll talk more about that later.

I did get a lot of knitting and crocheting done, but I'll just cover my latest accomplishment.

Lace Canopy Cardi Wrap
Designed by Simona Merchant-Dest
Interweave Crochet, Fall 2011
KnitPicks CotLin, linen

This was made from a heavier yarn that called for, but I like the results. All that was necessary was a swatch, a calculator, and the discovery that all needed was to follow the directions for one size smaller.

Blocking this was a bit of a challenge. For future references, or if you plan to make this, block the back piece first, add the fronts, block those, then sew the sleeve seams. I could have saved myself a lot of head scratching if I had done that rather than wait until the entire piece was finished and then blocking.

This year I wanted to learn something new, so I signed up at This is a wonderful website for inexpensive online classes and workshops. I've already done a couple and have started one for quilting--something I have always wanted to do, but never had the time. Well, this year I am going to make the time.

Right now I'm working on a contract so I can't share. However, I can tell you that it's made with lace yarn and I need a lot of "eye breaks", so I've also started working on items for the Fall craft shows.

What I am Reading
This part is going away as I now have GoodReads on the sidebar. You can see what I've been reading and my quick reviews.

Other Stuff
I am now cancer free! WooHoo! My mastectomy was the end of September and the pathology reports showed that all the cancer was gone with the surgery. No chemo---no radiation! The benefit of early detection. After what I felt was too long a recovery, I am ready for whatever else God may throw my way.

Nothing brings someone to their knees faster than "You have cancer". I prayed...a lot...still do. When people asked what they could do for me I just asked for prayers and hugs. I have always believed in the power of prayer and these past few months prove that power. I am truly blessed for everyone's support, prayers, and generosity.

Now I am ready to move forward.

There are still a few things in my etsy shop. Stop by and visit.

Have a good week!

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