Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 6 & 7 Challenge

Block #8 Chevron Relief Stitch from 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches

Block #7 Arch Stitch from 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches

I don't know where time has gone. It's summer and we spend a lot of time outside...guess I just forgot to post last week.

Today is muggy and stormy. We worked outside until we couldn't stand it. So today I post. It may be like this for the summer, but I am keeping up with my challenge.

I've also been working on Christmas presents, my fiber pal challenge, and a scarf--pictures to follow some day.

Having a fiber pal is so much fun. We get monthly challenges that really get the creative juices flowing. And the best part--I get something hand crafted just for me! As all crafters know, we very seldom get to keep the fun things for ourselves. We either give them as gifts or donations. From my fiber pal I've received things such as potholders, a scarf, face cloth, and notebook. Each monthly box has a handcrafted item and a few goodies. I look forward to the little package coming every month.

There is a sweater I would like to knit for myself. I want to make it out of a silk blend yarn, which is a little out of my price range. It's time for a yarn diet until I can save enough money to buy the yarn.

I am on vacation this week. If the weather keeps up as it has been this weekend, I should get a lot of knitting and crocheting done.

Have a good week! Keep cool and dry.

1 comment:

Nancy McCarroll said...

re: silk and wool yarn...
yes, expensive, but I found that Webs has a 60/40 kid merino and silk that has lots more yardage than expected..It is a bit hard to work with, because the yarn seems to split, but it is soft. Am doing the Isbel Shawl (#2) with it, and thought you might like to see the yarn online. Blogged about it here: