Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week 9 Challenge and a Pretty Flower

The block for Week 9 from 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches is #26 Simple Shell Stitch. This completes one row. Only 54 more blocks to go! WooHoo!!! My goal is to post a video on how to do the Tunisian join. Hopefully I'll have that soon.

I haven't done much else except the crochet coaster. There are two reasons for this:

First, I interviewed for a promotion that would have been a considerable increase in pay, which would have meant a little extra to buy the yarn on my wish list. That promotion didn't happen. So now I'm back to working with what is in my stash and saving for yarn to make myself some knit and crochet tops I've had my eye on for a long time.

Second, we usually spend this time of year getting our yard ready for the summer. We like to get everything done now so we all that needs to be done is spend a little time on those
hot evenings mowing, weeding and watering. Mother Nature hasn't cooperated with us this year. We have had either torrential downpours or scalding heat. This week we had both. It's hard to believe that after over three inches of rain at the beginning of the week, all the flower beds were completely dry by the weekend. That's life in the Midwest.

I still have five more Christmas presents to make and six months to finish them--plenty of time!

Have a good week!

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