Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 21 Challenge

#60 Doubles
63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine To Make An Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

I haven't quite finished Ulysses, but since this is the last post for the month, I'll give you my thoughts.

Yes, I do "get it". What I don't know is why this book was written. It's all over the place. We have Stephen, my favorite character, who is the philosopher. Then there is Bloom who, to me, is just a dirty old man. I am now reading the part where they have both met and are drinking coffee. Well, Bloom wants Stephen to drink the coffee.

The writing is pure genius--words and phrases really make the reader think. My favorite from this past week is from Stephen:

In this country people sell much more than she ever had and do a roaring trade. Fear not them that sell the body but have not the power to buy the soul. She is a bad merchant. She buys dear and sell cheap. (542)

Stephen and Bloom have spotted a prostitute looking in the window of the coffee shop. It's obvious that Stephen is referring to the prostitute, but is he also referring to Ireland? The book does get a little political at this point.

I have struggled with this book, but I don't regret reading it.

Joyce, James. Ulysses. Wordsworth Classics.

Vortex, designed by Chrissy Gardiner
Toe-Up! Pattern and Worksheets to Whip Your Sock Knitting Into Shape
Sydwillow Press

I love these socks! I love this book! I tried toe-up socks before and I just couldn't get it to work and they didn't fit. I was so upset that the socks ended up in the trash. This book takes you through the whole process with step by step instructions with pictures. Gardiner gives several options for starting the toe, how to knit the heel, and casting off so the cuff stretches. The patterns in the book are great and there are worksheets in the back to plan your own socks.

Next month is The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and a knitted cloche.

Have a good week!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 20 Challenge

#19 Circle in a Square
63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make An Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

This is going to be a quick post--today is my birthday! I've been spending time with my family and had a wonderful day.

This crochet block was fun and, believe it or not, I've never thought to put a square around a circle. How fun!

Ulysses is coming along. I'm finding that I have to read every word - no skimming allowed. You just never know what Joyce is going to put in there and if you skim, you might miss it.

The cable socks are almost done.

The sock blankie just keeps going and I have a lot of yarn left.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 19 Challenge

#16 Granny Square from
63 Easy-to-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make An Heirloom Afghan,
Leisure Arts

Who doesn't like granny squares!? I didn't even need to look at the pattern to crochet this one.

I took my own advice and started a personal read along/knit along, using books and projects of my choice. For September I am reading Ulysses by James Joyce (I see the eyes rolling) and knitting a pair of socks with a cable pattern going up the front.

Ulysses has been a reading project I've tried a couple of times, but couldn't get past the first twenty pages. I am not quite halfway through and I get it and it's good! I actually find myself giggling in a few places. Maybe I just needed a few more years of life to understand what Joyce is trying to do with this novel.

The sock blankie has turned into a project to do at work because it does not require a pattern, chart, row counter, markers, etc. It is getting a little big, but with colder weather not too far off, the blanket can keep me warm while I work on it.

Have a good week!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 18 Challenge

#46 Palm Leaves
from 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make An Heirloom Afghan,
Leisure Arts.

This is a nice stitch. Two rows of the afghan are completed; eighteen block done, 45 block to go. At this rate, I'll be finished by next summer.

The sock blankie is still coming along nicely--slow, but nicely. It's hard to get bored when each block is knit with a different yarn, I'm just having difficulty finding the time.

As promised, here is the finish of the KAL/RAL. First the RAL.

The book we read for the "-along" was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. There has been a lot of publicity about Larsson's books. I have even read an article comparing this series with the Twilight series of books. I don't see it... This book is well written, contemporary, and a good read. However, it is not my type of book. When I read for pleasure, I like to escape to another world, another place, another time. Maybe that's why I like to read Jane Austen and science fiction (what a combination). I really don't like to have today's headlines--computer hackers, domestic violence, and serial sex crimes--thrown back at me after hearing and watching that stuff on radio and television. It makes it difficult to sleep at night. If you like contemporary crime solving books, then The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is perfect. As for me, I'll stick with Sherlock Holmes.

The knit-along was a sock pattern, Karira designed by Shannon Okey and Margaret Ruble. My socks were knitted with Knit Picks Stroll in Granny Smith. To me, this sock's lace pattern resembles little dragon flies in the front with dragon scales down the back. One thing I did find out is that knitting an intricate lace pattern while watching Paul Newman movies is not a good idea. There is more than one error in this pair of socks.

The group is going to continue the KAL/RAL with Larsson's other books. Will I join? Probably not. Maybe I can have my own KAL/RAL with books I enjoy!

Happy Labor Day/End of Summer!