Monday, July 25, 2011

Drum Roll Please

63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

Here it is--all finished!! It is very colorful and doesn't really match my decor; however, my dogs like it. This project was a lot of fun. Some of the stitches were pretty boring and some were a really interesting--none were very difficult.

Projects in Progress
This week I made four placemats, four coasters, four can cozies, and a poop bag dispenser. These are made from Lily Sugar 'n Cream, light blue and faded denims, and stitched in single crochet. If they don't sell at the arts fair, then I'm keeping them. I little Scotchgard sprayed and they will last forever.

This swatch is for a pullover I am going to knit for myself. The yarn is Reynolds Cricket, a 52% Rayon and 48% Wool DK yarn, in a light purple. The yarn is very soft and looks like a heather yarn. I found this yarn in the clearance room at a local yarn shop and I can't seem to find too much about it on the internet. I hope it was on clearance because the owner just needed room for the summer yarn and not because the yarn has been discontinued. If my sweater goes well, I have other things I'd like to make with this yarn. There was a really pretty natural color. The only difficulty I see with working the yarn is that it is loosely spun and tends to split.

What I Am Reading
I am making slow progress on Saving Fish from Drowning, by Amy Tan. Most of the people in this book appear to be the typical ugly Americans traveling to countries they know nothing about and, therefore, are getting into trouble. On the side, this book also give insight to the culture and history of a country I don't know too much about--China.

Other Stuff
My grandson spent the past week with us. He is ten years old and so much fun. We had a basketball camp where I work and he attended the camp for the week. Then we saw the new Harry Potter movie in 3D--good movie--and we stuffed ourselves with nachos and cheese and soda. He then spent the night at my in-law's farm and rounded off the week having dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We really should do this type of thing more often. I really enjoyed the time spent with him--I hope he did, too.

Next week in the Knit and Crochet show in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I can't wait!

Have a good week!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 63 Challenge--Final Block

#52 Up and Down Stitch
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

This is my favorite go-to stitch. It works for anything and gives a nice texture. Next week I will have a picture of the afghan all put together with the edging.

Projects in Progress
I am working desperately on getting things completed before the art fair. This is the latest hat and scarf done in a Crossed Double Crochet Stitch. There was just enough left to knit one pair of fingerless mittens. All my ideas for stitches come from The Ultimate Sourcebook for Knitting and Crochet Stitches, Reader's Digest. The book has more knitting stitches than crochet stitches, but it's something I can go to for reference for anything I'd like to make. There are other stitchonaries out there and someday I'll get more for crochet stitches.

What I am Reading
Because all my extra time has been spent working on items for the art fair, I haven't had much time to read, so Saving Fish from Drowning is still on the shelf. So far we are just getting to know the characters. The book is told from the point of view of a woman who has recently died. If I'm understanding this correctly, the woman is telling the story to a medium.

Other Stuff
The Knit and Crochet Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is in just over a week. My homework is done and my notebook is packed and ready. Can you tell I'm excited? I'm not sure about which projects to take to work on while there, but I have a feeling that once I take the course on creating a camisole, I'll be shopping at the market area looking for the perfect yarn to make myself a camisole.

The heat is on again in the midwest. I don't know about anyone else, but I am getting tired of hearing about the heat index. It's hot and hot is hot no matter how hot it is.

Have a good week!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 62 Challenge

#23 Slant Stitch
63 Easy to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

This is an easy stitch to crochet and I think really unusual. I like it! One more block and then the edging. WooHoo!!!

Projects in Progress
I have nineteen days until the Art Fair and need to get crackin' on getting some things done. This is a hooded scarf (scood) knitted in moss stitch. I even had enough left over to make two pairs on knitted fingerless mittens, each in a different size.

This is a swatch for a crochet hat and scarf in Crossed Double Crochet Stitch. I get most of my stitch ideas from Reader's Digest's, The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches. The swatch worked up quickly, so the hat and scarf should work up quickly, too.

What I Am Reading
Girl With a Pearl Earring is finished. This was a pretty quick read and I guess it could be called a page-turner. For some reason, I wasn't happy with the ending. I'm not sure why, except that it just ended. If you want something low key and fun to read, I would recommend this book; but if you are looking for a message, I don't think it's there.

Now I am reading Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan. Tan is probably one of my favorite contemporary authors. I had a chance to see her at a lecture sponsored by a local university. She was both insightful and entertaining--just like her novels. I've just started, so there isn't much yet to report except for this: "...and I learned to hide from pain. I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I had placed them". There are times when I wished I could feel like that and other times I'm glad I don't. Without feelings, what are we?

Other Stuff
The weather has turned so stinkin' hot, that I can't stand it. Summers in the American Midwest does sometimes get hot, but I can't remember heat indexes over 110 degrees. My office is air conditioned, but the gyms are not. I found myself putting off taking a restroom break just so I wouldn't have to go out of the office. Then the power went off this afternoon, so I went home.

Have a good week!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week 61 Challenge

#3 Double Crochet
63 East to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

Two more weeks and then the wrap up. WooHoo!

Projects in Progress
I call this "The Invasion of Chemo Caps". This project started as a call from a crochet guild's challenge to other crochet guilds to crochet chemo caps in time for the Knit and Crochet Show in Minneapolis taking place at the end of July. I took up the challenge with the goal to have at least a dozen caps finished. I think those dozen caps multiplied when I wasn't looking. Seriously, I crochet projects such as these to relieve stress. The rhythm of a basic single crochet cap takes the day's tension out of the shoulders and then I can relax to work on more complicated projects. Well, there has been more than my share of daily tension lately, so I took my frustration out on the caps; all for a good cause.

This is a swatch I made for the next hooded scarf. It is a basic moss stitch that I will use all over and maybe into some matching fingerless mittens. Stay tuned for updates.

What I Am Reading
For the first time in a long time, I had to put down a book. 1984 is back on the shelf for awhile, not because it isn't a good book, but because my mood just couldn't tolerate the darkness of humanity expressed in that book. I'll get back to it someday.

Now I am reading Girl With a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier. I'm not too far into the book, but I am enjoying the story. Chevalier has done what I always like to do when visiting art museums--make up a story to go with the picture.

Other Stuff
This is a holiday weekend in the United States. The Fourth of July is when we celebrate our independence, honor our founders, eat potato salad, and shoot off fireworks.

Please visit my Etsy store. The price on some older items has been lowered and I am now offering 10% off for all my readers. Just use the coupon code: BLOGGER01. As always (and for now), shipping is free.

Have a good week!