Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week 61 Challenge

#3 Double Crochet
63 East to Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan
Leisure Arts

Two more weeks and then the wrap up. WooHoo!

Projects in Progress
I call this "The Invasion of Chemo Caps". This project started as a call from a crochet guild's challenge to other crochet guilds to crochet chemo caps in time for the Knit and Crochet Show in Minneapolis taking place at the end of July. I took up the challenge with the goal to have at least a dozen caps finished. I think those dozen caps multiplied when I wasn't looking. Seriously, I crochet projects such as these to relieve stress. The rhythm of a basic single crochet cap takes the day's tension out of the shoulders and then I can relax to work on more complicated projects. Well, there has been more than my share of daily tension lately, so I took my frustration out on the caps; all for a good cause.

This is a swatch I made for the next hooded scarf. It is a basic moss stitch that I will use all over and maybe into some matching fingerless mittens. Stay tuned for updates.

What I Am Reading
For the first time in a long time, I had to put down a book. 1984 is back on the shelf for awhile, not because it isn't a good book, but because my mood just couldn't tolerate the darkness of humanity expressed in that book. I'll get back to it someday.

Now I am reading Girl With a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier. I'm not too far into the book, but I am enjoying the story. Chevalier has done what I always like to do when visiting art museums--make up a story to go with the picture.

Other Stuff
This is a holiday weekend in the United States. The Fourth of July is when we celebrate our independence, honor our founders, eat potato salad, and shoot off fireworks.

Please visit my Etsy store. The price on some older items has been lowered and I am now offering 10% off for all my readers. Just use the coupon code: BLOGGER01. As always (and for now), shipping is free.

Have a good week!

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